A Former Racing Driver Testifies: “SDS’s Solution Allowed Us to Avoid Quite a Few Wrecks”

When it comes to the dangers of driving a car, Jeremy knows what he’s talking about. He’s a former race car driver.

Jeremy left his racing career behind after he settled down after marrying. His wife wasn’t thrilled knowing he’d be risking his life to bring home a paycheck, and, being the good husband he is, Jeremy hung up his helmet and became a machinist. He and his wife bought a home in a small town just outside Athens, Georgia. 

Athens, 72 miles northeast of Atlanta, is a city of just over 100,000 residents known for its quaint antebellum architecture. It’s also the home of the University of Georgia, whose almost 40,000 students and over 3,000 staff members have left a huge imprint on the town. Apart from the intellectual climate, it’s expressed in the large number of cafes, bars, restaurants, and music venues that dot the city. In short, Athens is a lively but laid-back place to raise a family, which is why Jeremy and his wife decided to move there.

Not too long ago Jeremy’s wife gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Once they knew their family would double in size, they realized they would need a larger car that would comfortably accommodate two infant seats and have a trunk large enough to carry a collapsible double stroller. They wanted a heavy, sturdy vehicle that would afford them maximum safety on the highway but quickly realized that the cost of a new car was beyond their means. So they settled on a second-hand, late-model Mercury Grand Marquis.  

Driving Culture

Jeremy is used to drive aggressively, but his wife is not and doesn’t want to try. She was especially concerned about driving into Atlanta, which she did frequently did. “The driving culture in Atlanta is terrible,” Jeremy confesses. “They have express lanes there with double lines to make sure no one passes but people just ignore them,” he adds. “Cars just jump in front of you without warning, without even using an indicator.” 

To provide the extra sense of security his wife required, Jeremy went online and searched for advanced driver assistance and safety (ADAS) systems. He did his research and decided to buy a passive one that warns the driver when it senses an impending collision, but then allows the driver to break or take whatever other evasive action is required. He ruled out an active system, which brakes automatically, because of the havoc that would have caused inside the car, especially because the twins would be onboard on those trips to Atlanta.

“The Best ADAS Solution Out There”

“Once I looked at what’s available I realized that Smart Drive Systems provided the best ADAS solution out there,” Jeremy says. “That’s because SDS’s passive system warns when someone else moves to a different lane and includes slow-speed detection that catches pedestrians,” he explains. “Moreover, competitive products simply didn’t execute very well — their blind spot monitors, for example, don’t function as advertised.” 

“For us, SDS’s major selling point was that its system combines cameras and radar,” Jeremy continues. “We get torrential downpours at a moment’s notice, and fog immediately afterwards that can for half an hour,” he concludes. “SDS’s solution allowed us to avoid quite a few wrecks.” 

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