GPS Fleet Tracking - Navigating your fleet to success

Keep an eye on your fleet, anytime, anywhere.

As the person in charge of your company’s fleet of vehicles, you need to know the real-time location of your vehicles at all times - you’re expected to use that knowledge to increase their efficiency and reduce related costs.

To help you achieve this, you’ll need to use the best possible fleet management platform, one that includes popular technologies like telematics and GPS tracking.

Gain real-time insights to metrics
that no other
fleet management
software on earth can provide

Our GPS fleet tracking system works by combining:

  • Telematics hardware installed in the vehicle
  • A phone SIM card

The result – You can see the real-time location of all your vehicles from a bird’s view perspective, which looks like this:


See the location of all your vehicles in a neatly organized user interface

Safe Drive Systems’ GPS fleet tracking and management system is capable of providing all sorts of accurate and real-time data, including

  • Route optimization
  • Geofencing
  • Mileage and hours of service
  • Your fleet’s overall performance
  • Maintenance
Small Business GPS Fleet Tracking

See the location of all your vehicles in a neatly organized user interface

 Route optimization

Time is of the essence and critical for success which is why it is important that the company’s vehicles arrive at their destinations on time. Due to (un)foreseen circumstances, getting from point A to point B in time isn’t always easy. There are many factors to take into account that can affect the deadlines of your vehicles.

Monitoring your vehicles’ routes grants you the ability to predict delivery times and see if the routes typically taken by your drivers are the most efficient.

On top of that you’ll be able to make changes in real-time by rerouting trucks.


Stay on top of each of your vehicle’s precise location and state (moving or idling)

Geofencing – keep your drivers on-track


Geofencing involves creating user-defined virtual perimeters with boundaries (“fences”), typically using GPS. It allows you to assign specific geographical areas for your drivers and receive notifications if any of your vehicles exit the geographical boundaries you assigned to them.

If this happens, it can mean several things:

  • Your driver has gotten lost
  • They intentionally driven somewhere they weren’t supposed to
  • Worst-case scenario: the vehicle has been stolen/hijacked
  • Receiving alerts about these instances allows you to react promptly by contacting the driver or alerting the authorities.


     Mileage and hours of service

    Our platform uses GPS in conjunction with an Electronic Logging Device (ELD) to keep track of your vehicles’ and drivers’ mileage and Hours of Service (HOS) in real-time.

    ELDs aren’t as easy to manipulate as other, more obsolete systems, and together with GPS, they create a body of data that you can analyze to see if any of your drivers are working overtime and adhering to FMCSA regulations. Additionally, they are a significantly more convenient system of log keeping than using paper logs, Automatic Onboard Recording Device (AOBRD), cell phones, and laptops.

    Having insight into this data allows you to monitor and regulate the number of consecutive hours a driver can spend behind the wheel without sleeping or taking a break, as well as increasing safety by eliminating the possibility of drowsy driving.

     Your fleet’s overall performance

    A reactive technology such as GPS fleet tracking alone may not be enough to prevent collisions but it will allow you to back-track and analyze the data accumulated through its use.This way, you will be able to observe trends and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) by various vehicles, teams, or across the entire fleet, such as:

    • Fuel consumption
    • Asset usage
    • Unnecessary idling

    Thanks to this data, you will be able to make informed decisions about any necessary changes toward increasing efficiency and reducing the costs of your entire business operation.

    GPS Fleet Tracking

    Check if you’re vehicles are excessively idling

    Safe Drive Systems combines reactive and proactive measures

    It’s important to note that while the data provided by GPS fleet tracking and telematics can make a positive impact on the fleet and its drivers, it cannot impact the full range of fleet management needs on its own. This is because it has no means of improving driving performance in real-time, while the driver is behind the wheel.

    Thankfully, we have developed a technological solution that does just that.

    Safe Drive Systems doesn’t just provide you with the above-described reactive technology.

    In fact, it is only one part of our comprehensive fleet management system that offers several crucial parts working together:

    • Telematics and GPS tracking
    • Real-time two-sided dash camera
    • Radar-based collision prevention
    • ELD

    Telematics and GPS tracking

    As described above, telematics and GPS fleet tracking together constitute one of our reactive technologies. It allows you to stay on top of your vehicles’ and drivers’ location at all times, understand how you can improve their efficiency and fuel consumption, and react quickly if you suspect theft.


    Telematics isn't the same as GPS tracking?

    No. These two terms are often used in the fleet management business as they’re interconnected and complement each other. However, they are not one and the same thing.

    Telematics vs. GPS tracking

    GPS is the technology that gathers real-time and precise data about your vehicle’s current location and status via a built-in GPS receiver.

    A telematics system transmits that data through the cellular network and satellites to central computers where it is processed into the information you see in your fleet management dashboard.

    In other words, GPS is the main component of any telematics solution, while telematics provides the hardware and software that allows the GPS information to be efficiently utilized.


    Real-time two-sided dash camera

    Another reactive technology, dash cameras can offer compelling evidence in court or with an insurance company if one of your vehicles is involved in an accident, thus possibly removing the responsibility from your drivers and keeping the company’s good name.

    Thanks to our platform, in such a situation you’ll be able to combine this video evidence with the precise location on a map, courtesy of GPS, as well as additional information like speed, acceleration, the force of the impact, vehicle damage, and more.


    Dash camera videos offer evidence that can acquit your drivers and company in case of a collision

    Radar-based collision prevention unit

    Considering that an average cost of a truck crash with human casualties surpasses $7M (multiplying if more than one casualty is involved) and that the total cost of commercial accidents in 2018 was $58B, doing your best to prevent such situations may save your company quite a lot of money on fines, lawsuits, insurance premiums, downtime, and most importantly - human lives.

    Since reactive technologies alone can do little to prevent accidents in real time, they need to be combined with advanced proactive technologies. Our comprehensive platform includes a collision prevention system that uses our RD-140 radar unit placed inside the vehicle. From there, it alerts you and your driver about risky behavior like lane deviation, tailgating, or harsh braking, as well as the presence of pedestrians, speed limits, and other road hazards.

    While most of today’s collision prevention systems are optic-based and rely on a camera for object recognition, having a radar instead is far more efficient due to optic sensors having to depend on line of sight to detect objects. In other words, unlike a radar unit, an optic-based collision system may be rendered useless in adverse conditions like rain, snow, or fog, and functions in a sub-optimal way at night-time. Besides, it is only able to detect objects up to 180 feet even in ideal conditions, making it far inferior to radar’s 500-feet detection range that is unaffected by those adverse conditions.

    safe drive systems

    The RD-140 unit alerts the driver about lanes, speed limits, other vehicles, and pedestrians on the road, and unlike optic sensors, works in all conditions


    An optional part of our service is equipping your vehicles with ELDs. As mentioned above, an ELD device allows you to adhere to the laws regulating HOS and RODS, as well as providing a useful body of information for detailed analysis and allowing you to fine-tune your drivers’ tasks where possible to avoid fatigue.

    Thanks to the substantial body of data you’ll    receive through our unique platform, you’ll be able to:

    • React to changes in real time and make informed decisions, anywhere, anytime, by tracking the heartbeat of your fleet operations.
    • Maximize your fleet’s efficiency by improving driver behavior, cutting down fuel expenses, and improving vehicle uptime.
    • Supply your drivers with tools that enhance them in real time and prevent crashes and all of their adverse consequences.

    Track your fleet operations

  • Safe Drive Systems gives you access to accurate and reliable data at a glance, from the fleet level down to an individual vehicle.
  • This information includes the status of your fleet in real-time, detailed route history, proximity to important points of interest, and workflow progress with weather and traffic updates.

  • Allows you to manage your fleet by alerts, providing you with the flexibility of monitoring and identifying issues, and taking timely measures.
  • This is achieved by providing over 180 possible types of alerts based on the vehicle, driver, or geolocation activity, and delivered straight to your mobile phone or email to fit your business’ specific needs.

  • Enables you to control your entire fleet – your way.
  • With dynamic vehicle grouping, workload allocation between teams of fleet managers, and the ability to define viewer accounts and permission-based user accounts, you can tailor your experience to fit the way you like to work.

  • Provides access to your fleet information anywhere, anytime from the office or on the go, using your desktop browser or mobile app.
  • Get your drivers on-board with a dedicated app for managing their tasks and routes, reporting statuses, and communicating directly with their regional fleet managers.

    Maximize your fleet efficiency

  • Today’s developed markets present a constant challenge for any commercial fleet to keep pace with the existing and new competition, while simultaneously achieving higher productivity and efficiency rates.
  • Safe Drive Systems helps you overcome these challenges by providing multi-dimensional data about your assets, drivers, and their tasks, allowing you to make productive, informed decisions that will position your business ahead of your competition.

  • Easily discover hidden costs and losses
  • Such as fuel siphoning, vehicle usage in off-business hours, or days that significantly hurt the overall profitability of your business. Utilize alerts, reports, and geographical information to reduce unauthorized usage, fuel thefts, and in turn, increase your ROI.

  • Create a winning customer experience through constant productivity improvements for your fleet and employees.
  • Complete jobs on time while keeping your employees happier.

    And that’s not all

    In addition to providing you with your vehicles’ GPS location at all times and all the related benefits described above, our advanced fleet management software and hardware can also help you watch for:

    • Aggressive driving habits
    • Distracted driving
    • ECO scoring
    • Fuel consumption
    • Vehicle maintenance needs

    Take your fleet tracking to the next level with the help of our amplified fleet management platform

    Many solutions on the market offer GPS fleet tracking software. However, they all tend to focus exclusively on GPS vehicle tracking or reactive technologies (dash cam and telematics). The true power of our fleet management platform lies in its integration of reactive and radar-based proactive technologies into one complete and thorough system.

    This way, you’re not just getting an unparalleled set of data that no other fleet management software provider can offer, both in real-time and retrospect. You’re also reducing the risks of collisions and subsequent loss of human life and money on lawsuits and rising insurance premiums.

    Are you ready to upgrade your fleet tracking operations, prevent collisions, and cut costs? Schedule a free consultation with one of our advisors for a personalized analysis of your current operations.

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