What Is Fleet Maintenance And How You Can Rock It

Are you ready to bring your fleet maintenance to a whole new level, get things done more efficiently, and go home early?
A Former Racing Driver Testifies: “SDS’s Solution Allowed Us to Avoid Quite a Few Wrecks”

“Once I looked at what’s available I realized that Smart Drive Systems provided the best ADAS solution out there,” Jeremy says!
The Importance of Anti-Collision Systems for Insurers

There is a proven way insurers can reduce accidents – they can encourage clients to install advanced driver assistance and safety systems in their vehicles
Using Technology to Reduce Accidents in Your Fleet

Now is the time to embrace the tools we have and begin to alter our mindset. Let’s use what’s available to help rather than resisting what is inevitable.
What is the role of technology in accident prevention and what’s the best solution?

The answer is simple. Technology alone can’t prevent accidents on a large scale. Safety needs to be approached in a holistic manner.
Yes, If You’re Over 60, You Can Still Drive with the Confidence of a 30-Year-Old

Cobra technology significantly reduces the risk of traffic accidents at low speeds, as well as thefts and robberies. Sure, you can still drive at 60!
SDS’s Radar Anti-Collision Telematic System Not Only Saves Lives, It Also Saves Money

Car safety systems are no longer the “next thing” in the transportation. They’re here. So, why isn’t every vehicle on the road already equipped with one?
Fleet management KPIs you shouldn’t miss

Successful fleet management relies on carefully monitoring KPIs. Find out which ones you should follow, how, and why.